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Oversight of the government

— Jeudi 6 juin 2024 —

The House of Councillors has several instruments for overseeing the government, including oral and written questions, permanent and temporary committees, inquiry committees, exploratory missions, and thematic working groups.

Questions: Article 100 of the Constitution stipulates that a session is dedicated each week to questions from parliamentarians of both houses and the government's responses. Questions take two forms: oral and written.

Oversight Role of Parliamentary Committees: Parliamentary committees play an oversight role that includes monitoring, evaluating, and submitting proposals to ensure the efficient management of sectoral programs and policies. This is achieved through hearings with ministers and conducting exploratory missions.

Parliamentary Inquiry Committees: In accordance with Article 67 of the Constitution, Organic Law No. 085.13 concerning the functioning of parliamentary inquiry committees, and the Internal Regulations of the House of Councillors, parliamentary inquiry committees can be established at the initiative of the King or one-third of the members of the House of Councillors. These committees are responsible for gathering information on specific facts or the management of public services, institutions, and enterprises, and for informing the House of their findings.

Monthly Question Sessions: In accordance with the second paragraph of Article 100 of the Constitution, responses to questions related to general policy are given by the head of government. One session per month is dedicated to these questions. The related responses are presented before the House of Councillors within thirty days of their submission to the Head of Government.